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In our new season, you’ll hear about how Pentecostal Christianity is taking over the world; the rise and fall of the Sikh empire; a hundred years of British political nightmares; whether any war in history has gone to plan; a vivid, powerful account of the Rohingya in exile; and how ordinary Ukrainians saved their nation.
Sri Lanka: All Change?
In this turbo year of polls it has just been Sri Lanka’s turn in the electoral spotlight. Presidential elections – the first since former strongman Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR)aaa
Why Men? Excerpt
This book is about how love endures. It is also about how our human capacity for kindness and empathy can imprison us in ruthless comÂpetition and violent hierarchies.
A colossal tragedy of errors
Lipika Pelham talks to Israelis and Palestinians about the divisive impact of war on mixed communities. As seen in Perspective.
Fixing France: How to Repair a Broken Republic w/ Nabila Ramdani & Simon Kuper
Cheltenham Literature Festival
Join authors Nabila Ramdani and Simon Kuper as they explore the deep-seated fault lines in French society, culture and politics. Chaired by Ben Hoyle.
Modi’s India: Popularity and Polarisation w/ Kapil Komireddi, Chietigj Bajpaee & Oliver Shah
Cheltenham Literature Festival
Join Kapil Komireddi, analyst Chietigj Bajpaee and The Sunday Times journalist Oliver Shah as they reflect on the outcome of the 2024 Indian election, which delivered a third term to Prime Minister Modi.
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