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In our new season, you’ll hear about how Pentecostal Christianity is taking over the world; the rise and fall of the Sikh empire; a hundred years of British political nightmares; whether any war in history has gone to plan; a vivid, powerful account of the Rohingya in exile; and how ordinary Ukrainians saved their nation.
Why Men? Excerpt
This book is about how love endures. It is also about how our human capacity for kindness and empathy can imprison us in ruthless comÂpetition and violent hierarchies.
A colossal tragedy of errors
Lipika Pelham talks to Israelis and Palestinians about the divisive impact of war on mixed communities. As seen in Perspective.
Debating the Future of War: Change and Continuity After the Invasion of Ukraine
Professor Christopher Coker, who died last week, was one of the seminal historians of modern warfare and the author of six books published by Hurst. Shortly before his death, Christopher wrote for us a tour d’horizon reflection on the state of war studies.
The Truth About the British Empire w/ David Olusoga & Alan Lester
Royal Geographical Society
David Olusoga and Alan Lester join us to reveal the dark realities of the British Empire, and reflect on the importance of historians amid the culture wars and resurgence of nationalism.
Seven Children: Inequality and Britain’s Next Generation w/ Danny Dorling
Blackwell's Bookshop
Join Blackwell’s Oxford for an event with British social geographer Danny Dorling. He’ll be discussing his fascinating and unique new book, ‘Seven Children: Inequality and Britain’s Next Generation’.
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