As 2023 marks the 300th birthday of Adam Smith, ‘Father of Capitalism’, capital apparently makes the world go round—but, as this issue explores, it is not the only structure we can use to orchestrate interactions, transactions and the business of conducting our lives. As permacrisis engulfs the planet, capitalism seems unfit for purpose, moving between hero and villain in our increasingly complex world. This issue considers capital as acquisition, mentality, a place to live, and a severely unjust basis upon which we seem to exist. Can the system hold? What might lie beyond a capital state of mind?
About Critical Muslim: A quarterly publication of ideas and issues showcasing groundbreaking thinking on Islam and what it means to be a Muslim in a rapidly changing, interconnected world. Each edition centres on a discrete theme, and contributions include reportage, academic analysis, cultural commentary, photography, poetry, and book reviews.

Ziauddin Sardar is an award-winning, internationally renowned writer, futurist and cultural critic. His many books include Three Begums; Reading the Qur’an and A Person of Pakistani Origins (all published by Hurst); Mecca: The Sacred City; and Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim. A former New Statesman columnist and UK equality and human rights commissioner, he is Editor of the influential quarterly Critical Muslim.